10.1.2008 | 17:24
'Eg biš ykkur um aš lesa pistilinn hér fyrir nešan sem ég fékk frį kennara ķ sušurhluta Kalifornķu fylkis. Hann er óžżddur. Žegar ég byrjaši aš benda vinum og ęttingjum heima į Ķslandi į vandamįlin sem viš glķmum viš hérna ķ Bandarķkjunum fékk ég oft aš heyra "žetta er žarna, ekki hérna". Lįtiš ykkur ekki detta ķ hug aš žetta eigi ekki viš ykkur. 'I fyrrasumar var ég viš Geysi og ętlaši aš kaupa smįvegiš til aš borša ķ sjoppunni žar. Eins og vera bar pantaši ég į mķnu mįli, ķslensku. Afgreišslustślkan skildi mig ekki og baš mig um aš tala į ensku. Var aš versla ķ Bónus og fann ekki žaš sem mig vantaši og leitaši rįša hjį starfsmanni sem var sennilega pólskur og skildi mig ekki. Móšir mķn žjįšist af Alzheimer sjśkdóm og var vistmašur į Droplaugarstöšum. Žó svo aš allar starfstślkurnar hafi veriš elskulegar viš hana finnst mér ekki nį nokkurri įtt aš hafa starfsfólk sem ekki getur tjįš sig į ķslensku į slķkri stofnun. Sérstaklega į staš žar sem margir vistmennirnir eiga sjįlfir erfitt meš aš tjį sig. Gamla fólkiš okkar į mikiš betur skiliš. Žaš į ekki aš žurfa aš eiša sķšustu įrunum inn į stofnun ķ žögn žvķ engin skilur žaš.
'Agangur ólöglegra innflytjenda hér ķ Bandarķkjunum er oršiš mikiš hitamįl enda mikiš vandamįliš sem erfitt er aš leysa. Til aš byrja meš lokaši fólk augunum eša žoršu ekki aš lįta til sķn kveša. Mér žykir virkilega vęnt um mitt land og žjóš. Viš erum svo fįmenn og fljót aš breytast ef ekkert er viš hafst til aš halda okkur sem 'Islendingum. Hugsum um framtķš barnanna okkar.
"As you listen to the news about the student protests over illegal immigration, there are some things that you should be aware of:I am in charge of the English-as-a-second-language department at a large southern Californiahigh school which is designated a Title 1 school, meaning that its students average lower socioeconomic and income levels.Title 1 schools are on the free breakfast and free lunch program. When I say free breakfast, I'm not talking a glass of milk and roll -- but a full breakfast and cereal bar with fruits and juices that would make a Marriott proud. The waste of this food is monumental, with trays and trays of it being dumped in the trash uneaten. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK)I estimate that well over 50% of these students are obese or at least moderately overweight. About 75% or more DO have cell phones. The school also provides day care centers for theunwed teenage pregnant girls (some as young as 13) so they can attend class without the inconvenience of having to of arrange for babysitters or having family watch their kids. (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK) I was ordered to spend $700,000 on my department or risk losing funding for the upcoming year even though there was little need for anything; my budget was already substantial. I ended up buying new computers for the computer learning center, half of which, one month later, have been carved with graffiti by the appreciative students who obviously feel humbled and grateful to have a free education in America . (OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK) I have had to intervene several times for young and substitute teachers whose classes consist of many illegal immigrant students here in the country less then 3 months who raised so much hell with the female teachers, calling them "Putas" whores and throwing things that the teachers were in tears. Free medical, free education, free food, day care etc., etc, etc. Is it any wonder they feel entitled to not only be in this country but to demand rights, privileges and entitlements ?To those who want to point out how much these illegal immigrants contribute to our society because they LIKE their gardener and housekeeper and they like to pay less for tomatoes: spend some time in the real world of illegal immigration and see the TRUE costs. Higher insurance, medical facilities closing , higher medical costs, more crime, lower standards of education in our schools, overcrowding, new diseases etc., etc, etc . For me, I'll pay more for tomatoes. We need to wake up.The guest worker program will be a disaster because we won'to have the guts to enforce it. Does anyone in their right mind really think they will voluntarily leave and return? It does, however, have everything to do with culture: A third-world culture that does not value education , that accepts children getting pregnant and dropping out of school by 15 and that refuses to assimilate , and an American culture that has become so weak and worried about " politically correctness " that we don'to have the will to do anything about it. If this makes your blood boil, as it did mine, forward this to everyone you know. CHEAP LABOR? Isn'to that what the whole immigration issue is about?Business doesn'to want to pay a decent wage. Consumers don'to want expensive produce. Government will tell you Americans don'to want the jobs. But the bottom line is cheap labor. The phrase "cheap labor" is a myth , a farce, and a lie. There is no such thing as "cheap labor." Take, for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children. He takes a job for $5.00 or 6.00/hour. At that wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if he files an Income Tax Return, he gets an "earned income credit" of up to $3,200 free. He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent . He qualifies forfood stamps. He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care. His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school.He requires bilingual teachers and books. Hequalifies for relief from high energy bills. If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI.Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare. All of this is at (our) taxpayer's expense . He doesn'to worry about car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners insurance. Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed material.He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour in benefits. Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after paying their bills and his. The American taxpayers also pay for increased crime, graffiti and trash clean-up. Cheap labor? YEAH RIGHT! Wake up people! THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS WE SHOULD BE ADDRESSING TO THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR EITHER PARTY. 'AND WHEN THEY LIE TO US AND DON'T DO AS THEY SAY, WE SHOULD REPL ACE THEM AT ONCE!' THIS HAS GOT TO BE PASSED ALONG TO AS MANY AS POSSIBLE OR WE WILL ALL GO DOWN THE DRAIN BECAUSE A FEW DON'T CARE.
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